Now-a-days teen drug abuse has become very common. Teens behavior also changes with the effect of drugs. Some of the behavioral changes associated with drug abuse are:
- Unusual behavior than the normal behavior
- Loss of interest towards career
- Less performance in the school grades and performance
- Showing anger and even irritability towards parents
- Spending lot of time with friends
- Decrement in the responsibility
- Changing friends and does friendship with different groups of people
- Changes in the physical appearance such as paleness in eyes and even face becomes red and even eyes become reddish color
- Changes in habits of eating and sleeping
- Even the spirit of participating in sports also decreases
- Sitting isolated and want to be lonely
- Spending a very little time at home
- Coming home drunk
- Increment of violence and even becoming emotional and even behave moodily
- Huge changes in the weight
- Stealing expensive things and even money from home
- Lying etc.
These are some of the behavioral changes which a parent should observe when their teens who are abusing drugs. As a parent you need to suggest them not to consume the drugs but never overreact. Directly don’t check their belongings or never check directly by going into their room, if you are found wrong then it may lead to the failure of trust between you and your child. Make the teen to know you are their well wisher and you care about them. Tell them clearly about the harmful drug effects which are both short term and long term and even its effect on the relationships. Then take him/her to the counseling program to get the treatment.