Acupuncture treatment is a therapy in which long, stainless steel and sterilized needles are pierced on the pressure points of the body. As per the acupuncture therapy, there are 2,000 pressure points are present on each and every internal organ.
Acupuncture therapy believes that any kind of imbalance in the body can be straightened with the help of these needles. Whenever needles are mounted in the body it balances the flow of energy and results to proper function of the body.
It is used mainly when a patient do no want to consume harmful drugs or under go surgery. Before the therapy a person has to under go full diagnosis and check up because this method has various different effects on people. In treatment phase when needles are mounted in the body it causes pain and eventually bleeding.
This process also includes some side affect. If the needle is mounted in the body a bleeding can occur and it may make some injury to internal organ which result harms immune system.
Acupuncture therapy believes that any kind of imbalance in the body can be straightened with the help of these needles. Whenever needles are mounted in the body it balances the flow of energy and results to proper function of the body.
It is used mainly when a patient do no want to consume harmful drugs or under go surgery. Before the therapy a person has to under go full diagnosis and check up because this method has various different effects on people. In treatment phase when needles are mounted in the body it causes pain and eventually bleeding.
This process also includes some side affect. If the needle is mounted in the body a bleeding can occur and it may make some injury to internal organ which result harms immune system.
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