Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Purpose of Spread Betting

Mickey Mouse is a comic animal cartoon character that has become an icon for The Walt Disney Company. Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse in 1928 and Ub Iwerksand voiced by Walt Disney. The Walt Disney Company celebrates his birth as November 18, 1928 upon the release of Steamboat Willie. The anthropomorphic mouse has evolved from being simply a character in animated cartoons and comic strips to become one of the most recognizable symbols in the world.

Social Impact
  • In the United States, protest votes are often made in order to indicate dissatisfaction with the slate of candidates presented on a particular ballot, or to highlight the inadequacies of a particular voting procedure.
  • Since most states' electoral systems do not provide for blank balloting or a choice of "None of the above", most protest votes take the form of a clearly non-serious candidate's name entered as a write-in vote.
  • Cartoon characters are typically chosen for this purpose; as Mickey Mouse is the best-known and most-recognized character in America, his name is frequently selected for this purpose.
  • This phenomenon has the humorous effect of causing Mickey Mouse to be a minor but perennial contestant in nearly all U.S. presidential elections.
  • A similar phenomenon occurs in the parliament elections in Finland and Sweden, although Finns and Swedes usually write Donald Duck or Donald Duck Party as a protest vote.
  • In the United States armed forces, actions that produce good looks, but have little practical use, are commonly referred to as "Mickey Mouse work".
  • In schools a "Mickey Mouse course" or "Mickey Mouse major" is a class or college major where very little effort is necessary in order to attain a good grade and/or one where the subject matter of such a class is not of any importance in the labor market.
  • Musicians often refer to a film score that directly follows each action on screen as Mickey Mousing.
  • The software company Microsoft has been derogatorily called "Mickey soft"
  • In card games, it is common for a "Mickey Mouse hand" to be played for instructional purposes. In such a hand all cards of all players that would normally be concealed are displayed, to demonstrate to new players the rules and procedures of the game.